“Readings for Now” Seminar #13: Plagued
The Shack
We’ll begin with the collection of essays on the pandemic found on the website of the European Journal of Psychoanalysis at <https://www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/?s=coronavirus>. The journal relies on the good will and appreciation of readers. Donations can be made at <https://www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/coronavirus-and-philosophers/>
Note: In accordance with an agreement reached with Routledge, many of the previously available papers that were found in these Tribunes on the Coronavirus have been permanently removed. These essays are included in the forthcoming book: Coronavirus, Psychoanalysis and Philosophy: Conversations on Pandemics, Politics and Society (Editors: Fernando Castrillón & Thomas Marchevsky). The book can be purchased at <https://www.routledge.com/Coronavirus-Psychoanalysis-and-Philosophy-Conversations-on-Pandemics/Castrillon-Marchevsky/p/book/9780367713669>
Coronavirus and philosophers (M. Foucault, G. Agamben, S. Benvenuto):
Michel Foucault, Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison, translated by A. Sheridan, 195-228. In collaboration with the journal Antinomie
Giorgio Agamben, “The Invention of an Epidemic.” Originally published in Italian by Quodlibet
See also Giorgio Agamben, “The state of exception provoked by an unmotivated emergency.” A translation of an article that first appeared as “Lo stato d’eccezione provocato da un’emergenza immotivata,” il manifesto
Sergio Benvenuto, “Welcome to Seclusion.” Originally published in Italian on Antinomie
Giorgio Agamben, “Clarifications”
Sergio Benvenuto, “Forget about Agamben”
Miguel Vatter, “Stay Safe, Protect the Health System, Save Lives”
Daniel James Smith, “On the Viral Event”
Achille Mbembe, Diogo Bercito, “The Pandemic Democratizes the Power to Kill”: An Interview. Originally published in Gauchazh
Renato Cristi, “Pandemics and Philosophy”
Massimo Cacciari, “Our Homes Are Hell”: An Interview
Giorgio Agamben, “Reflections on the Plague,” translated by Journal of European Psychoanalysis. First published on the website of Quodlibet, translated from the Italian by Gianmaria Senia
Roberto Esposito, Francesco Borgonovo, “Debate on the Green Pass.” Originally published in Italian at La Verità
Duane Rousselle, “The Lonely Anti-Racist”
Patricia Gherovici, “A Polemic on the Pandemic: Death Does Not Make Us Equal”
Darian Leader, “Some Thoughts on the Pandemic”
Zsuzsa Baross, “Philosophy in the Time of the Epidemic: Two Transcripts”
Lutz Goetzmann, “On the Real of Plague”: Notes from Berlin, in the Summer of Sars-CoV-2
Arka Chattopadhyay, “Psychoanalysis, Corporeality and Haptics in Covid-19 Times”
On Pandemics (Nancy, Dwivedi, Mohan, Esposito, Nancy, Ronchi). Published in Italian on Antinomie:
Jean-Luc Nancy, “Viral Exception”
Roberto Esposito, “Cured to the Bitter End”
Riposte by Jean-Luc Nancy to Roberto Esposito (through email to Sergio Benvenuto)
Divya Dwivedi and Shaj Mohan, “The Community of the Forsaken: A Response to Agamben and Nancy”
Rocco Ronchi, “The Virtues of the Virus”
Massimo De Carolis, “The Threat of Contagion”
Shaj Mohan, “What Carries Us On”
Jean-Luc Nancy, “A Much Too Human Virus”
See the European Journal of Psychoanalysis for other readings
If there is time, we will also revisit the resources put together by Philippe Theophanidis at Aphelis, an iconographic and text archive related to communication, technology and art: <https://aphelis.net/agamben-coronavirus-pandemic-interventions/>